portia simpson miller


Jamaican PM, Barbados' Rihanna Make Time List of 100 Most Influential People

Above: Jamaican PM Portia Simpson Miller and Bajan singer Rihanna By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Bajan-born singer Rihanna have been named to Time Magazine’s list of the 100 Most Influential People in the […]

Op-Ed: Jamaica's Local Election: The "Shine on the Ball" Illusion

By Kent Gammon Op-Ed Contributor The Jamaican people have answered the call of the People’s National Party (PNP) that they should elect their local councillor candidates to, as Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller termed, “join up the power of government.” […]

Op-Ed: Political Suspense in Jamaica

By Ramesh Sujanani Op-Ed Contributor It is now the eve of parish council elections in Jamaica. This time it is concurrent with the General Elections in which the PNP (People’s National Party) surprisingly won a mandate over the JLP (Jamaica […]


Jamaica Emergency Jobs Plan Underway

Above: Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaica’s Emergency Employment Programme is now underway, with patching, drain cleaning and river training work having commenced in several communities. The projects have begun in Cow Pen, Windsor […]

Jamaican Prime Minister Simpson Miller: CARICOM "Cannot Remain Static"

Above: Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller By the Caribbean Journal staff For CARICOM to remain static “is not an option at this time,” according to Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, who returned to the country this week following […]

Forbes: Women in Jamaica

By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 8. Many will argue that every day is women’s day, especially in a country like Jamaica, where women make up at least 70 percent of university graduates […]


Prince Harry Concludes Jamaica Visit

Above: Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller with Prince Harry during his visit (Photo: OPM Jamaica) By the Caribbean Journal staff Prince Harry completed his four-day visit to Jamaica on Thursday, joined by students from schools across St James at […]

Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller Opens IDB Investment Forum

Above: the Montego Bay Convention Centre By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller opened the Jamaican Investment Forum in Montego Bay Thursday, a conference organized by the Inter-American Development Bank. More than 400 participants attended the […]

Jamaica's Simpson Miller: CARICOM Countries Must Support Regional Trade

Above: Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller By the Caribbean Journal staff There is a need for greater support from CARICOM countries in strengthening trade within the region, according to Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. Simpson Miller made the remarks […]


Jamaican Prime Minister Hopeful on New International Monetary Fund Agreement

Above: Jamaican PM Portia Simpson Miller (Photo: OPM) By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller said the new International Monetary Agreement that is soon to be negotiated will provide confidence to the business community. According to […]

Jamaican Prime Minister Appoints Mining Expert as New Special Envoy

Above: Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller Dr Carlton Davis, a former head of the Jamaica Civil Service, has been appointed an ambassador and special envoy in the Office of Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. Davis, an expert on the […]

Jamaica Concludes Cabinet Retreat

Above: Finance Minister Dr Peter Phillips (JIS Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller’s Cabinet completed its two-day retreat this weekend, finishing with presentations from the Financial Secretary and a team from the Bank of […]