By Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon
CJ Travel Editor
Right now, with kids all over the country returning to school, many parents are realizing that summer’s come and gone and with all the focus on family fun they haven’t managed to squeeze in any grown-up getaway time.
But there is hope.
We’ve found a sweet deal on a vacation that’s strictly for adults and which just might be the perfect finale to a sun-drenched summer.
It’s at Temptation Cancun, an adult-focused playground that reopened just last month after almost a year of top-to-toe renovations.
The multi-million-dollar enhancement project was led by designer Karim Rashid and includes a new seven-story multicolor façade and features such as a “sexy pool,” BASH nightclub and an “aphrodisiac restaurant,” SHE.
The deal: A whopping 45 percent off rates (which start at $329), valid for travel September 17 through October 31, 2017.