Trinidad and Tobago, European Union Hold Talks on Climate Change
Above: Trinidad (CJ Photo)
By the Caribbean Journal staff
Trinidad and Tobago recently held discussions with the European Union on climate change.
The talks in New York last week included Ramona Ramdial, Minister of State in Trinidad’s Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action.
Also on hand were French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, French Development Minister Pascal Canfin, Norwegian Environment Minister Bard Vegar Solhjell and Gambian Environment Minister Fatou Ndeye, among others.
Ramdial was in New York last week as part of the high-level delegation to the opening session of the United Nations General assembly.
The talks come ahead of the next round of international climate talks, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland in November.
The Minister said Trinidad was working on a number of measures aimed at addressing climate change, including the development of a national climate change policy and a renewable energy policy.
In a statement, the Environment Ministry said it “looks forward to exploring opportunities for further collaboration on the issue of climate change will be explored in Warsaw.”